is a pioneering fair exclusively dedicated to contemporary collectible design gathering unique pieces, bespoke works and very limited editions of the 21st century.
Posts Categorized: exhbitions
CLAY… a lifetime commitment, atelier lachaert dhanis, Tielrode, Belgium 1>22/12/2019
CLAY… a lifetime commitment, about ceramics in all its aspects and in all its varieties.
MEMENTO MONS, cabinets de curiosités, BAM, Mons, Belgium 05/10/2019>26/01/2020
Memento Mons, the BAM as one large Wunderkammer
concept & scenography atelier lachaert dhanis / lsd2
05.10.19 > 26.01.20
HØST duoshow galerie10a, Belgium 21/09>27/10/2019
HØST a duoshow with photographer Nick Geboers and recent ceramics of anne marie laureys ceramics.
Museum Dhondt-Dhaenens AUCTION, Ghent, Belgium 31/08/2019 at 18:00hr
LOT 17 MASTERCLASS by Anne Marie Laureys Ceramics (experience)
The museum Dhondt-Dhaenens invites you to a festive evening filled with art, encounters and two unique benefit auctions by Christie’s and Paddle8!
Portrait d’artiste, film & groupshow BeCraft Gallery, Mons, Belgium 23/06>08/09/2019
BeCraft propose une découverte en plusieurs temps de ses artistes membres où créations et vidéoprojections s’exposent en vis-à-vis. Becraft Gallery Site des Anciens Abattoirs 17/02, Rue de la Trouille, 7000 Mons, Belgium
BETWEEN ART AND DESIGN The Belgian Scene, KANAL-Pompidou, Brussels Belgium 12/09>04/11/2018
This exhibition includes objects in a specific niche in a sector as wide as design, that of ‘collectible design’ or ‘design art’, situated in the grey zone between art and design. Limited series and unique pieces, mainly or exclusively hand-made, form the core of this exhibition, in which unconventional and often monumental form takes precedence over functionality.