Posts Categorized: news

SMELL THE ROSES at Atelier Lachaert & d’Hanis, Tielrode, Belgium 2-5/06/2016

During the unveiling of ‘Atelier Lachaert & d’Hanis’ (from the 2nd till the 5th of June), we want to surprise our audience with a festive opening and with a short but explosive exhibition ‘Smell the Roses’
A story about ‘dwelling on’, about contemplation, reflection, consideration, about appealing to all the senses and stirring the imagination. But most of all a story about time; when we ‘stop and smell the roses’, it means we have to slow down, take our time and learn to appreciate what we so often pass by, unnoticed.

An ode to the senses, … or simply as an ode to flowers and their recipient, the vase; a seemingly trivial object. Vases and flowers often immortalized on canvas as the fruit of the boundless imagination of the painter, or as a symbol of transience, the passing of time, a memento mori…

TASTE contemporary craft Artgenève, Switserland 28-31/01/2016

Taste champions the work of craft artists who push the boundaries. We include artists from across all craft disciplines both those already established, with works in museums and private collections, as well as up-and-coming artists. Foremost, we are committed to promoting innovative craft that is exciting, intriguing and challenges our assumptions about what is possible.

‘RANDOM GROWTH’ at PHOS Art + Design, London, Great Britain 20/11/2015-13/01/2016

The private view of Random Growth is on Thursday 19th November. Random Growth (curated by Sarah Myerscough) runs from the 20th November 2015 to January 13th 2016 at PHOS ART + DESIGN 15-16 Brooks Mews Mayfair W1K 4DS London,   Gordon Baldwin Karen Bennicke Thiebaut Chague Christina Schou Christensen Michael Geertsen Martin Kaldahl Jonathan Keep Anne Marie Laureys Aneta Regel Bente Skjoettgaard

AUCTION/VEILING MUSEUM D’Hondt Dhaenens, B 05-09-2015

SAVE THE DATE 05-09-2015! Mr. Jan Steyaert, chairman, Members of the Board of Directors and Patrons, Mr. Joost Declercq, director, Have the pleasure to invite you to the ninth edition of the Garden Party, which will take place on Saturday, September 5, 2015 from 6 p.m. in the garden of the Museum Dhondt-Dhaenens. Walking Buffet and CharityRead more »