Tresor contemporary craft, Basel, Switzerland 21>24-09-2017

TRESOR contemporary craft Basel, Switzerland represented by TASTE September 21 til 24, 2017


TRESOR contemporary craft presents a novel show concept that brings together galleries specializing in applied arts worldwide, first-rate makers | artists as well as promising young talent. They showcase exciting trends and innovations in 21st century craft from a wide range of disciplines in which art, architecture and design intersect. The works are either unique or produced in a small series and appeal to international collectors, specialists, architects, designers, interior designers, makers | artists, students, tastemakers and a discerning broad audience.

TASTE artists exhibiting at Tresor 2017 Ceramics: Thomas Bohle, Alison Britton, Wouter Dam, Akiko Hirai, Anne Marie Laureys, Nicholas Lees, Paul March, Johannes Nagel, Susan Nemeth, Aneta Regel, Paul Scott, Marit Tingleff, Elisabeth von Krogh, Andrea Walsh I Glass: Baldwin & Guggisberg, Edmond Byrne, Jeremy Maxwell Wintrebert I Metal: Cóilín Ó Dubhghaill, Adi Toch I Textiles: Michael Brennand-Wood I Wood: Ernst Gamperl


Cloud Uncinus 2017 Dim cm 48x35x36


Monday Basket 2017 45x38x46

De Briques…, céramique contemporaine, WCC-BF Galerie, Mons, B 03-06>28-08-2017


ARTISTES : Eric ASTOUL, Pálma BABOS, Jean-François BOURLARD, Anne BULLIOT ,Charlotte COQUEN, Bernard DAVID, Nathalie DOYEN, Isabelle DURAND, Yoshimi FUTAMURA, Charlotte GIGAN, Jérôme HIRSON, Jacques KAUFMANN, Coryse KIRILUK, Rachel LABASTIE, Aline LAFOLLIE, AnneMarie LAUREYS, Jean-Claude LEGRAND, Danielle LESCOT, Lucien PETIT, Chloé PEYTERMANN, Hervé ROUSSEAU, Lana RUELLAN, Sylvain THIROUIN, Gislaine TRIVIDIC, Clémence VAN LUNEN, Camille VIROT, YAMIKI.

 27 céramistes interrogent ce matériau universel mais qui marque tout particulièrement nos paysages nordistes : maisons de briques, usines de briques, cheminées de briques !


VISITE GUIDÉE de l’exposition De Briques… au WCC-BF Galerie Mons, B sur demande et gratuit sur certains dates à consulter sur

Une exposition de céramique où se réunissent les épris de la matière, de la terre et de la brique.

L’amour de la matière, la passion pour la terre. Voilà ce qu’un céramiste exprime avant tout. Car celle-ci est le point de départ de toutes choses, notamment celui de la brique, façonnée par le labeur et rougie par les flammes pour bâtir notre paysage nordique.

C’est dans l’optique de mettre particulièrement en avant la brique, la terre qui la compose et ceux qui la transforment que le WCC•BF, le Centre Céramique contemporaine La Borne et l’École d’Art de Douai se joignent au Non-Lieu (Roubaix) pour faire voyager De Briques…


Recent ceramics represented by TASTE at Artmonte-carlo, Monaco, 28>31-04-2017

TASTE looks forward to returning to Artmonte-carlo in 2017. The Salon D`Art will take place at the Grimaldi Forum, under the High Patronage of H.S.H Prince Albert II of Monaco, from Friday 28 to Sunday 30 April 2017.

At Artmonte-carlo 2017, TASTE will present innovative new work by internationally recognised ceramic artists including AnneMarie Laureys, Alison Britton, Philip Eglin and Marit Tingleff.


‘Ceramiek’ at AKA Tielt, Belgium 08/02>31/03/2017

Groupshow in the corridors of the old school building AKATielt. A mix of different approaches on ceramics as a medium in contemporary art.

Participants are : 

Anne Marie Laureys, Christina Schou Christensen, Nick Ervinck, Marieke Pauwels, Maen Florin, Annouk Thys, Eleni Paschalidis, Hendrik Vermeulen, Stijn Yperman, Veerle Decapmaker, Yves Malfliet, Irja Syvertsen, Greet Desal, Carlo Van Poucke, Gerda Steegmans, Robin Vermeersch, Lut Laleman


No future without the past, Atelier Lachaert D’Hanis, Belgium 28-29/01>4-5/02/2017

‘2017…   We kick-off the year with a major retrospective exhibition, looking back at the highlights of the past, showing groundbreaking historical pieces from private collections, archival treasures, curiosities and memorabilia….good old memories…

At the same time we will give you a glimpse of our future programme.

Come and raise a glass to an extraordinary promising, artistic and breathtaking 2017! 28 – 29 january and 4 – 5 february 2017 (10am – 7pm) and by appointment,

Atelier Lachaert D’Hanis entrance venue via Kaaistraat parking, Tielrode B-9140


TASTE contemporary craft Artgenève, Switserland 26-29/01/2017


Celebrating the best in contemporary craft


Taste champions the work of craft artists who push the boundaries. We include artists from across all craft disciplines both those already established, with works in museums and private collections, as well as up-and-coming artists. Foremost, we are committed to promoting innovative craft that is exciting, intriguing and challenges our assumptions about what is possible.

Taste aims to stage at least one major European exhibition annually that highlights a broad selection of craft disciplines. Taste will also host more exclusive, thematic events throughout the year with a focus on specific artists or disciplines. Our ambition is to be a premier source for cutting-edge contemporary craft.

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SEXY Ceramics, Princessehof National Museum of Ceramics, Leeuwarden, The Netherlands 27/08/2016-07/07/2017

From 27 August the Princessehof National Museum of Ceramics in Leeuwarden presents a titillating exhibition about eroticism: Sexy Ceramics. Classical Greek vases, refined Asian porcelain and contemporary ceramics by artists such as Louise Bourgeois and Jessica Harrison escort the viewer into the world of sex and seduction. The exhibition follows the phases of love-play, from the first touch and gentle courtship to the act of lovemaking itself. Attention is paid to hidden symbols, evocative shapes and explicit objects, but also to the sensuality of the material, the clay itself. All ceramics, from robust pottery to delicate porcelain, is made of clay that is shaped by human hands. Ceramists such as Irene Vonck, Anne Marie Laureys and Saturo Hoshino focus on the plasticity and sensuality of clay in their work. The renowned artist Alexandra Engelfriet covered the walls of an exhibition hall with clay, so that these exhibits are literally surrounded by the material. In addition, a film by the young Frisian artist Lotte Middendorp shows how she tries to merge with the tidal flats by entering the clay.