Vase: Function reviewed curated by Brian Kennedy. The exhibition explores functionality in ceramics through a series of work by Irish and international artists.
Vase: Function reviewed curated by Brian Kennedy. The exhibition explores functionality in ceramics through a series of work by Irish and international artists.
Postman delivered a nice surprise, a packet all the way out of U.S.A.! BOOK published on the occasion of Function, Form and Fantasy: Ceramics from the Dr.Robert and Deanna Harris Burger Collection exhibition at the Flint Institute of Arts U.S.A.May 7-August 14, 2016.
All for Ceramics!
at Centre Céramique de Giroussens, 7 Place Lucie Bouniol, 81500 Giroussens, France 25 June til 25 September 2016
« Les choses, quand elles commencent à se mouvoir, éveillent en nous des désirs et des besoins endormis », écrivait Bachelard dans L’air et les songes. Les nuages s’échappent, ils sont insaisissables. Leur liberté, toujours, nous coule entre les doigts. C’est cette mobilité qui sert de point de départ à l’imagination. Il peut sembler étrange de vouloir attraper dans le filet de la terre, un élément si radicalement versatile. Alors qu’ils se dissolvent en l’air, le céramiste nous livre les nuages palpables. Après tout, terre et feu ne s’unissent-ils pas dans le nuage de la cuisson ? Si l’on songe que Jules Supervielle se voyait caresser de charnelles nébuleuses, l’on ne s’étonnera pas que quelques artistes modèlent de leurs mains des nuages de terre. D’ailleurs, la langue anglaise ne sépare que d’un « u » les mots cloud (nuage) et clod (motte). Pascale Nobécourt, extrait du catalogue d’exposition |
Husk Bowl 2015 H23x29x29cm
Husk Bowl 2015 H20x18x18cm
Pays de Tendre 2014-2016 H16x31x31cm
Pays de Tendre 2014-2016 H12x30x29cm
Pays de Tendre 2014-2016 H21x45x36cm
During the unveiling of ‘Atelier Lachaert & d’Hanis’ (from the 2nd till the 5th of June), Sofie Lachaert and Luc d’Hanis want to surprise their audience with a festive opening and with a short but explosive exhibition ‘Smell the Roses’
A story about ‘dwelling on’, about contemplation, reflection, consideration, about appealing to all the senses and stirring the imagination. But most of all a story about time; when we ‘stop and smell the roses’, it means we have to slow down, take our time and learn to appreciate what we so often pass by, unnoticed.
An ode to the senses, … or simply as an ode to flowers and their recipient, the vase; a seemingly trivial object. Vases and flowers often immortalized on canvas as the fruit of the boundless imagination of the painter, or as a symbol of transience, the passing of time, a memento mori…
Subscribe now to be invited to the festive opening on Saturday 4th and Sunday 5th of June
Taste – celebrating the best in contemporary craft.
Taste will exhibit at Artmonte-carlo.
Taste champions the work of craft artists who push the boundaries. We include artists from across all craft disciplines both those already established, with works in museums and private collections, as well as up-and-coming artists. Foremost, we are committed to promoting innovative craft that is exciting, intriguing and challenges our assumptions about what is possible.
Taste aims to stage at least one major European exhibition annually that highlights a broad selection of craft disciplines. Taste will also host more exclusive, thematic events throughout the year with a focus on specific artists or disciplines. Our ambition is to be a premier source for cutting-edge contemporary craft.
Ceramic Event VII Exposition 19 > 27 septembre 12Hr à 18Hr
Private View 18 septembre 18Hr
Address: 139 avenue Molière 1190 Brussels,B
Entry 5€ (free-16 ans)
SAVE THE DATE 05-09-2015!
Mr. Jan Steyaert, chairman,
Members of the Board of Directors and Patrons,
Mr. Joost Declercq, director,
Have the pleasure to invite you to the ninth edition of the Garden Party, which will take place on Saturday, September 5, 2015 from 6 p.m. in the garden of the Museum Dhondt-Dhaenens.
Walking Buffet and Charity Auction organized by Christie’s and Paddle 8 to support the operation of the museum.